Recently, there has been a surge in parents choosing a baby monitor without WiFi over other types of baby monitors. There are several baby monitors, such as audio-only baby monitors, WiFi audio and video baby monitors, and wearable baby monitors.
Baby monitors are considerably new, and there is a hype for them ever since it has been around. But in some aspects, the user experience has yet to be a hundred percent positive. Considering all factors, there are significant benefits that can provide new parents more than other baby monitors.
It is necessary to use the best baby monitor type to ensure the safety of the babies when they are in their room or away from their parents.
New parents need a reliable baby monitor that can help them properly keep an eye on their babies from a distance. Here, we discuss how baby monitors without WiFi can help new parents meet their needs.

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How does It work?
Baby monitors without WiFi do not only have audio features but also other additional features and a camera. There is a surveillance camera and a receiver unit for the parents to see the baby.
As the name suggests, they do not require any internet connection to work. They deliver the audio and video in real time. There are two systems via which these data are transmitted and received- FHSS(Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) or DECT(Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications).
Even though the transmission distance is short, the data transmission is never delayed and is more secure. Thanks to the non-static channels these devices use.
It is good to go once the transmitter and receiver are correctly synchronized. The method of doing this synchronization varies from model to model. Usually, they need to be turned on and find each other by sending the same frequency wave signals. In this way, they are ready to work when the synchronization is done.
Pros of the baby monitor without WiFi
It comes with many benefits that are sure to help the parents to watch the babies. It is highly recommended to new parents for the bright sides of this type of monitor, such as:
More secure and anti-hacking:
It provides better security than the WiFi ones. Data transmission is done via non-static channels like FHHS or DECT. Though they are not fully anti-hacking, they are indeed complex enough for hackers not to break through them.
The functionality of this type of baby monitor is limited, so the technology used here is relatively simple. Hence, the operation is quite easy for the parents to deal with. There should not be any issue if the battery is fully charged and the receiver is within the range.
Less transmission delay:
The transmission is timely because the data is transmitted directly from the camera to the receiver.
Due to its equipment and design, it is more affordable than certain types of baby monitors. Because they use simple technology and basic design, they do not have some enhanced features like WiFi baby monitors.
Less stress:
Sometimes, parents are urged to check on their babies anytime they are out of sight. Especially when they go somewhere without their babies, it can get worse. It does not allow the parents to watch the babies out of range. It can be helpful for many new parents not to get this unhealthy habit and for other parents who already have it to grow out of it.
Cons of the baby monitor without WiFi
However, only some products can be made into perfect ones. They are no exception. Here are a few drawbacks to keep in mind before finalizing your decision to buy a non-WiFi baby monitor:
Transmission system limitation in baby monitor without WiFi:
As it works via FHSS OR DECT to transmit, the transmission range is about 300 to 1500 feet. This transmission range is less comprehensive compared to other types of baby monitors.
Radio interference:
It is not usually an issue that arises daily. But as it works with radio signals, the monitor might not work smoothly if more signals work within the range.
Fewer features:
It doesn’t have additional features like parents not seeing their babies outside a limited range. There is no way to see through any app on their devices. Also, there is no lullaby feature available for baby monitors without WiFi.
Carrying a receiver unit for baby monitor without WiFi:
A receiver unit is necessary for parents to see their babies. It is only possible to do it with an app on mobile because it is wireless internet supported. Carrying a receiver unit in the house can be inconvenient.
Baby monitors with WiFi Vs. Baby monitors without WiFi
These two types of baby monitors are completely different in terms of how they work and their features. Both have advantages and disadvantages, so new parents should consider all the factors.
They must evaluate if their needs are met before deciding which baby monitor type they should go for.
Here are some comparisons drawn upon both types of monitors based on some of the critical deciding factors:
Security of Baby monitors without WiFi:
WiFi baby monitors are vulnerable to hacking because they transmit data through the internet. Without an upgraded protection system, hacking is always a significant risk. However, this problem is less likely to arise in non-WiFi baby monitors.
Convenience baby monitor without WiFi:
Non-WiFi baby monitors require an external unit to watch the baby, while WiFi monitors can be operated with smartphones. It can be inconvenient to carry around an extra device.
If the parents are on a tight budget, they can opt for this type of baby monitor. They are usually more affordable than baby monitors with WiFi because they use simpler technology.
Data Transmission system:
This type of Baby monitor uses straightforward systems that directly transmit data to the receiver. But WiFi ones need a wireless internet connection for that. If the internet connection is not strong or gets broken, there will be an interruption in the broadcast.
Transmission rate of Baby monitors without WiFi:
Data transmission is faster in this type of baby monitor as the transmission is done directly from one unit to another. WiFi monitors must first send the data to the cloud, routers, and mobiles. There is a delay of about 10 seconds, which is not an issue for a non-WiFi monitor.
Transmission range:
Baby monitors with WiFi have an unlimited range, allowing parents to watch from anywhere, anytime. But baby monitors without WiFi work with a limited range. The maximum is approximately about 1000-1500 feet for non-WiFi ones.
Ease of use:
Baby monitors without WiFi are easier to use. They also need less setup required. Just plugging in the units and synchronizing is all the parents need to do to get the monitor working. WiFi baby monitors are complicated to set up and use.
A baby monitor without WiFi is only streamed directly, leaving no recording option. With baby monitors with WiFi, videos can be recorded. The recordings can remain saved in the cloud by using some apps.
Some high technology features are available in these baby monitors, like multiple camera features, high-resolution video, lullabies, room temperature control, sending alerts, etc. If the parents are not interested in such high-end features or want something simple to look over their babies, the non-WiFi baby monitors are a perfect fit.
Picking up the right baby monitor can be challenging since different types of baby monitors are available. It is even more difficult for new parents because they must buy many other things for their newborn.
To help you with that, we have covered how baby monitors can help new parents and what to look out for before buying one. A comparison is made between WiFi and non-WiFi baby monitors that can also come in handy.
Remember not to choose based on only the popularity of a specific type of baby monitor. After all, no type is better than the others. Many factors, such as privacy, security, transmission range, speed, and budget, must be considered.
You should always prioritize your needs, preferences, and budget while deciding.
You can always refer back to this article to help you make sure that you make the best choice!
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