At some point, every dog owner worries about their dog’s itching relief! I relate to your pain as a pet parent. Dog itching can be troublesome for your pet, so finding a relief that works for your paw child is essential.
Itchiness on the dog’s skin, or pruritus, can be a symptom of different conditions. Your dog can have slight to severe itching, leaving them scratching and licking all day.
It is expected to have occasional itching from time to time. Severe itching is usually caused by underlying issues with several other symptoms. The most common problems can be identified by observing all the signs closely.
Once you can identify the reason, you can try dog itching relief at home. You can try out some home remedies and some products at home according to the causes.
However, it is to be noted that you must take your dog for further investigation if the symptoms are severe or your remedies do not work after trying them for a specific time.
Taking your pet to the vet as fast as possible is crucial if the itching and other symptoms worsen daily. This article will discuss the possible causes of the itch, other symptoms, treatment, and relief measures for dog itching.

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Checklist for you if your dog is regularly itching
If your dog is suffering from itching, below are the symptoms from which you can understand it needs treatment or care.
Skin lesions
Alopecia (Hair loss)
Inflamed skin
Causes responsible for dog itching
The most crucial part of finding a solution to your problem is finding its cause.
So, here are some possible reasons why dogs have itching:
Bacterial infections:
There are a lot of bacteria and fungi that live on dogs’ skins, but the immune system controls them. When the immune system gets weakened, these bacteria and fungi cause infections. Infections are the most common cause of pruritus. With itching, other signs include:
- Crusted and dry skin.
- Pimple-like bumps on the skin.
- Hair loss.
- Odor.
- Swelling in some areas.
You must take your dog to the vet to check if any infection causes the itching.
Yeast infections:
Yeast dermatitis, or Malassezia dermatitis, is a common cause of skin-related problems in dogs. From itching and scratching, the dog starts to have redness and swelling in the infected area. An odor can usually be an early sign of yeast infection.
Allergic Dermatitis:
Allergic Dermatitis or atopic Dermatitis is caused by environmental allergens such as pollen, mold, dust, and plants. Any breed of dog can fall victim to this itchy skin disease. But it can be a seasonal disease.
Sudden itchiness can be caused if the dog has fleas on its body. These blood-sucking parasites can cause increased itching in dogs. A sign of dogs having fleas is when they have red bumps on your dog’s groin, belly, under the legs, or at the base of their tail.
Due to scratching a lot, dogs can have dry skin and hair loss. It may also indicate the dogs have fleas on their skin.
Flea allergy dermatitis:
This allergic Dermatitis occurs when a flea injects its saliva into a dog. If the saliva triggers the immune system by any means, the itching starts.
Generally, the itching caused by flea allergy dermatitis can last several days.
There are other types of parasites other than fleas, like mites and lice, that dogs can make itch. The bites can cause itching, but they also have allergic reactions caused by the edges.
Food allergies:
Most of the time, itching can be a primary indication of a food allergy. The signs may include itchy skin, paws, ears and digestive problems such as diarrhea and vomiting. Most affected dogs are over one or two years old but start appearing after six months.
Dog itching relief
If you leave your dog untreated, things might get serious and lead to new problems. Hence, it is necessary to do treatment or opt for some relief that relieves your pet from the uncomfortable situation.
If your dog has an infection, severe allergic reaction, fleas, or any other serious causes of itchiness, it may require a prescribed medication from a licensed veterinarian. However, if your dog’s symptoms are mild, there are itch relief options for dogs that you can take from home.
Colloidal Oatmeal baths:
Colloidal oatmeal helps soothe and hydrate your dog’s itchy skin by reducing inflammation and redness. It’s a non-toxic ingredient for dogs. So you can easily use them without worries! You can use pre-made colloidal oatmeal or grind plain sugar-free oatmeal into a powder. You can even use colloidal oatmeal shampoo to give the dog a bath in cold water.
Chamomile and green tea soak:
Chamomile and green tea are anti-inflammatory and soothing. So, a dog with itchy skin patches can get relief from a soak containing either.
Filling the tub with lukewarm water would be best, and the tea bags should steep for about three to five minutes. After removing the tea bags, the dog should soak in them for at least five minutes.
Baking Soda:
Applying the mixture of baking soda and water on itchy areas can be helpful. It works well in reducing redness and itchiness.
You must apply the mixture to the itchy areas and leave them for about twenty minutes before rinsing them thoroughly.
Chilled coconut oil:
While it is not safe for dogs to consume, it can come in handy for treating your dog’s itchiness when chilled. You can use the shampoo blended with coconut oil, which moisturizes flaky skin that can cause itchiness.
If your dog has excessive itching and other symptoms mentioned above, it might require over-the-counter medicine or other treatment that has to be prescribed by a vet.
Firstly, the vet will run some assessments to define the cause of the itching, and then the vet might go for some of the following options:
Anti-itch medications:
Anti-itch medications are commonly prescribed for the treatment of itchiness.
Antibiotics are prescribed when the dog has a bacterial or fungal infection. After taking a total dose for 21 to 30 days, the itchiness will go away.
Steroid medication:
Glucocorticoids are the most common type of steroid used by vets. It is effective but may have some side effects. So, prolonged use isn’t recommended.
Medicated dog shampoo:
Many dog shampoos contain natural ingredients such as aloe vera, chamomile, lavender oil, jojoba oil, eucalyptus oil, etc., that reduce itchiness.
Special diet:
We recommend when you suspect a food allergy is the leading cause of itchiness. It might be a trial-and-error diet that can find out what foods the dog is allergic to.
Prevention measures for dog itching
Itching with other signs because of various reasons can occur at any time. Still, there are some preventive measures that dog owners can take to minimize the odds-
Regular grooming:
Brushing your dog removes loose fur and dead skin cells and helps you look out for parasites. It would help avoid overwashing, which might dry the dog’s skin and cause itching. You should use a mild shampoo formulated for dog bathing. Many shampoos in the market are suitable for treating specific skin conditions.
Flea treatment:
If your dog is prone to having fleas, it is necessary to keep up-to-date with the flea treatment plan provided by the vet.
Balanced diet:
Ensure your dog eats a nutritious diet that helps them strengthen its immune system. Dogs are less likely to become infected if their immune system is robust. But beware of not giving them any food they are allergic to.
Probiotics for dogs can help prevent itching and scratching. It helps balance gut mechanisms, allowing their immune system to work more effectively.
Dog itching FAQ
How much itching is normal?
It is usual for dogs to itch occasionally throughout the day. However, if they are constantly scratching, licking, and chewing themselves, please considered it’s not normal.
What to do if my dog has itching but no other symptoms for other causes?
You can try the home remedies mentioned above if it is mild itching. If your dog has no symptoms other than excessive itching, there might be some underlying issue. Please take your dog to a veterinarian for checking.
Dealing with dog itchiness can distress your dog, especially if it gets excessive. So, it is crucial to find an effective relief so your dog can live an itch-free, healthy life. However, the key to alleviating the issue is correctly identifying the cause. If you cannot find it or any of what you do is not helpful, the best decision will be to go to a veterinarian for an extensive checkup.
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